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Learn 23 Programming Languages in Single App

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Today I came to you with a review of a great app. Personally, I have liked this app a lot and I hope you will like it too. So share it with you. I think this would be a great app for those of you who are programming or learning on mobile. If you want to learn programming languages through your mobile then here is an application that will help you to Learn 23 Programming Languages in Single App. So let's go to the main topic.

App Description:

There are many of us who are interested in programming or learning on the smartphone again. But when it comes to programming with mobile, we often have to face various problems. For example, many programming languages ​​for smartphones do not have an integrated development environment or IDE. Although they are available, their size is much larger, which makes it difficult to run those apps on normal smartphones. Again, different apps have to be installed for different programming languages, which requires a lot of storage on the smartphone. Many people are not able to start programming with smartphones because of these problems. So I think you can get the solution to all these problems from this app. Because with just this one app you can run 23 popular programming languages ​​on your smartphone.

Those are:

  1. Bash (Shell Script)
  2. C – GCC Compiler
  3. C++ – GCC Compiler
  4. C++ 14 – GCC Compiler
  5. C++ 17 – GCC Compiler
  6. C# (C Sharp) – Mono compiler
  7. Clojure
  8. Go Language
  9. Java 7
  10. Java 8
  11. MySQL
  12. Objective-C
  13. Perl
  14. PHP
  15. NodeJS
  16. Python 2.7
  17. Python 3.0
  18. R Language
  19. Ruby
  20. Scala
  21. Swift 1.2
  22. VB.Net – Mono Compiler
  23. Pascal

Advantages of the app:

  • You can run 23 popular programming languages ​​in one app.
  • Very lightweight app. App size is only 2 MB.
  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Code auto save.
  • Supports almost all Android versions.
  • The online compiler Hawaiian code runs very fast.

Disadvantages of the app:

  • You need an internet connection to use the app. (Although this cannot be considered a problem)
  • There is no option to undo-redo. As a code editor that is a big problem.
  • Cannot work with file systems for programming. Etc.

There is no exact iOS version of this app. But iOS users can use this app if they want. And you can enjoy almost all the benefits of this app from this link ( through a web browser from any operating system.

Hope you enjoyed today's topic. If you don't understand any part, you must comment or contact me. Encourage beginners by commenting on the post to get something better.

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