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How to upgrade your windows 10 to windows 11 without losing anything?


How to upgrade your windows 10 to windows 11 

without losing anything?

Do you want to upgrade your old windows version to the latest Windows 11?

Don't know how to do it? Then in this article, I will guide you step by step on how to upgrade your windows 10 to windows 11 without losing a single content of your data.

Also, I will guide you on how you can restore your older windows version without losing a single piece of content in case if you don't like windows 11.

So, let's start our journey.

Follow screenshot for clear instructions:

1/ First of click on your windows starts icon. 

2/ After that click on windows settings

3/ You will see the windows settings panel

4/ Now click on Update & Security 

5/ After that, Click on the windows insider program

6/ Once you click, You will see a Windows insider account

If you are not logged in on windows insider then you need to create or log in on windows insider with your existing account.

Finally, we are almost done. Once you completed the above instruction you will see window's latest version here.

Also, if you don't like windows 11 you can revert to your old windows without losing anything. For that, you just need to click on view update history that's it.

Hope this will help you a little bit. Please share our blog if you like it.

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