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How to Keep Fiverr Order Completion Rate 100% – Fiverr Tips for Order

How to Keep Fiverr Order Completion Rate 100%

Today we are going to discuss how to keep our Fiverr order completion rate 100%

If the order is canceled it can cause us to lose our gig rank, even the level, so this is very important. Today I would like to inform you about some issues, it is possible to reduce the cancellation rate.

How to Keep Fiverr Order Completion Rate


Fiverr Tips and Tricks To Keep Your Fiverr Order Completion Rate 100%

1) Take your time: Many orders are canceled as a result of not communicating properly. For example, when a client contacts you and sends you an offer before you fully understand the project, just keep in mind the dollar earnings! As you can see later in the case, the buyer may not be able to fully comply with the project for which you have been assigned, or the client may have to pay a lot more than the budget you set. The result of which is almost time to cancel the order! So if any client communicates with you, first understand the whole project, clear everything by asking, after understanding everything, if you can do that job with 100% satisfaction, then send the offer.

2) Be Active: In fact, an order must be delivered in 3 days. In this case, many of us do not even check the order for two days, thinking that “there is a lot of time, we will do it later.” When the 3rd day arrives I check that order, and see something that is not possible in that one day! There are so many types it's hard to say.

If you can or neglect, then you are more likely to have a bad review or order cancellation.

So take a good look at all the orders in the corner, check if everything is given to complete your work and if there is any confusion in the corner, it must be cleared by talking to the client.

3) Choose the right offer: There are some of us who see the buyer request related to their work, immediately send the offer there. Will give !! In my opinion, we should refrain from this. Buyers' requests that contain detailed information should only be considered when sending offers and the rest should be ignored. Because in many cases, not all of them are given clearly, it is seen after getting the job through sending the offer – they have given much more work than you thought. There can be many problems in this case, so the buyer requests are given properly. Only then should we send an offer.


4) Communication: takes the corner of beautiful communication. One of my clients wanted to cancel the order, but I explained it to him in such a way that I got the tip at the end of the order, far from canceling the order. So always be patient and make proper communication with the client, this reduces the chances of order cancellation. There are some issues in which it is not possible to stop order cancellation.

However, in the above cases, it is possible to reduce the Fiverr cancellation rate.


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